Personal Mission Statement

My Professional Work Philosophy:
  • I believe that there is always room to learn and to always appreciate any advice given to you and to never take criticism personally as it is there to only help you. 
  • I value hard work and strong organizational skills.
  • For work and grad school, I will always set high standards and goals for myself.
  • I value creativity and innovative design in completing projects.
  • I am motivated by curiosity and interest in the studies I research for Psychology. 
  • Having confidence and being honest about my abilities will allow me to feel free to ask for help and advice to better my work.
My Role in the Intellectual and Social Development of a Workplace Team:
  • I believe that strong interpersonal skills between coworkers make for a more productive office space.
  • I value effective teamwork and healthy communication.
  • My role would be defined as a collaborator with my boss and coworkers. I help input date from their research projects as well as give my own advice and perspective on how to improve them.

How I Set My Professional Goals and Standards:

  • I value handwork and effective completion of weekly goals.
  • Often times I am given an ambiguous goal, time and date to complete something, so I rely heavily on my planner to break down my work into two hour increments with mini goals per day. 
  • It is my personal goal to never appear unprofessional, come to work with a bad attitude, or share too much personal information as it depletes the professional relationship I have with my coworkers. 
  • A specific and current goal of mine is to increase my aptitude on new technologies. 
  • Throughout my time in graduate school I want to have continued involvement in learning communities of multicultural backgrounds, especially the Hispanic community. I value goals that I find personally motivating, such as working with students in the school districts of secondary schools. 
  • My long term goal is invest in conducting my own research and publishing it.

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